
Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Now Joseph was a slave
yet blessed by G-d in all he'd done

And foretold dreams
to both the baker and wine steward
and both foretold came true.

Yet the wine steward forgot Joseph
until the Pharoah too, had a difficult dream

Then confessed, to Pharoah of the lad who
read those dreams correctly.

And thus began Joseph's rise to power
as number two man in Egypt.

And, his brothers came for grain, and don't recognize him
but he waits for them, once again.


Jacob returns and confronts Esau.
He wrestles with Esau's angel,
his family intact, then Dinah.

What to do about a girl called Dinah?
Two sons to the rescue.
The town of Schem is eliminated.


Jacob, fleeing from his brother
journeys towards Haran.

Gets a vision of ladders and angels
and knows of a holy place.

Then he searches and finds his brides:
Rachel, his beloved and her sister Leah.

Many  years later his mishpacha*
heads home, with a spot of angst.

* family