
Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Now Joseph was a slave
yet blessed by G-d in all he'd done

And foretold dreams
to both the baker and wine steward
and both foretold came true.

Yet the wine steward forgot Joseph
until the Pharoah too, had a difficult dream

Then confessed, to Pharoah of the lad who
read those dreams correctly.

And thus began Joseph's rise to power
as number two man in Egypt.

And, his brothers came for grain, and don't recognize him
but he waits for them, once again.


Jacob returns and confronts Esau.
He wrestles with Esau's angel,
his family intact, then Dinah.

What to do about a girl called Dinah?
Two sons to the rescue.
The town of Schem is eliminated.


Jacob, fleeing from his brother
journeys towards Haran.

Gets a vision of ladders and angels
and knows of a holy place.

Then he searches and finds his brides:
Rachel, his beloved and her sister Leah.

Many  years later his mishpacha*
heads home, with a spot of angst.

* family

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Parshat Vayyehtze

Jacob, fleeing from his brother
Journeys towards Haran.

Gets a vision; of ladders and angels
and knows of a holy place.

Then he searches and finds his brides
Rachel, his beloved, and her older sister Leah.

Many years later his mispacha *
heads home, after a spot of angst.

* Mishpacha = family

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Death of Sarah

Abie Dear, where are you going with Isaac?
Oh, to worship G-d, my Sarah.

Then Sarah heard half of the news
How Isaaac was to be sacrificed

And legend says, right there
She slipped away.

And Abraham bought our first
land in Caanan.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Parshat Vayera

Parshat Vayera
the akidah ,sodom  and gomorah, the 90yr  old new mother. ..
what to cover  ..

in their old age, Avraham and Sarah got visitors three.
angels. One to tell of their forthcoming son.
and two for Sodom, one to save Lot and one to destroy the town

The son came, and he was called Yitzchak or laughter.  

Thirty seven years later he was bound like a sacrifice by his father and
then freed by the word of G-d. 
But father nor son never spoke a word after that ever again.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Parshat Noach

Parshat Noach

To the Tune of  Three Dog Night's "Joy to the World"

Noah was a Righteous Man
he walked alongside with G-d.
He Listened to Hashem say, "Man is bad"
and he built himself an Ark
and filled  that Ark with Fowl.
Joy in Hashem
All Across the world
Every moment we should heed his word
and be good for him.
It rained and rained for forty days
Fifteen cubits deep *
Five months later it came to rest
on top of Mt. Arraat.
And thus was man reborn.

Joy in Hashem
All Across the world
Every moment we should heed his word
and be good for him.

Noah planted a grapeyard
then he drunk some wine
passed out in his tent, and dissed by his son
He then cursed out Caanan
and blessed the rest of his sons.

Joy in Hashem
All Across the world
Every moment we should heed his word
and be good for him.
 Babylon built a tower
raised up to the sky
The lord came down and nixed that plan,
and confused everyone's tongue.

* (Fifteen cubits deep=22 1/2 feet deep!)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

In The beginning - Breesheet


In the beginning, there was nothing but a void
Then HaShem spoke, and he created THE spark
And then, the world was created; then deployed.

The spark flew round the world, creating matter
Once his power unleashed, life then began
spinning time and space 'round;; like a  mad-hatter.

Eventually, came the age of man
complete with the tale of the serpent or snake
As usual, fouling up G-d's master plan.

The snake showed us that man is far from perfect
Yet destroy us he did not
mercy and compassion, while he didst us eject.

And so, the world began to turn
Daily we can still seek his grace and wisdom
today, while  our world continues to burn.


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur   Leviticus 16

This week's portion is actually for the day of atonement

Background:  Aaron's two sons have just died after attempting to worship Hashem without permission.

Thou shall worship me with care
in my time, when I say, and where.

Two goats shall you have for sacrifice
one for the Lord; one will keep it's life.

Random choice will you make
as to which goat I will take.

A scape-goat will the other one become
All Israel's sins to go under it's tongue.

To the wilderness it's brought, then free'd
gone for our people, to Azazel.  It's gone to Hell.

Yet this week we also read
tales of Jonah, the whale, and how he finally heeds.

Saturday, September 24, 2011



Give me your ears;
Listen.  I have seen Much.
And our G-D is great; No. Yea; PERFECT.

We, his chosen are always near
Oft-times grateful; but sometimes indolent.
Remembering him is sometimes too much to expect

Moses predicted in fears
HaShem's angy responses in fire.
But still, love made him save us in the end.

We, today are back in G-d's graces
with words he taught to the next leader, Joshua
As Moshe, he gathered.  Unto his Dust.

Read more on this week's portion at the Shabbat Shalom Weekly (to start)